Monday, December 31, 2007

Brandon is 2!!!





Well our little boy is now our big boy. He turned two and was delighted to receive a train table from us. He LOVES trains and cars and anything with wheels really. It was a good birthday.

Brandon is such a good boy. He is sweet, smart and really very funny. He has learned so much in the past year and it seems that in the past few weeks he's really become a chatterbox. He speaks in full sentences now and it's not that often that we don't have any idea what he is saying. The fun thing is that he still signs to us occassionally too. I love that.

He has also discovered that he has some control and influence over the world around him and it's been interesting to see when he chooses to exercise that ability. We call it "being 2." We can't complain though. We see other kids in the stores and realize just how lucky we are that our 2 year old isn't like those 2 year olds.

Right now Brandon pretends to sleep when you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do. He will put his head down or against the nearest object (the wall, the sofa, the floor, whatever) and fake snoring, all the while staring at us. I know he's testing us, pushing his limits on purpose. Sometimes it's really funny and hard not to laugh at - other times, not so much. Most of the time it's all very benign. I've found that teaching him basic sign language is coming in very handy (ha!) even now. When he isn't listening or is "being 2" I have found that by speaking to him and signing to him at the same time it somehow breaks through the stubborness and he responds better. It doesn't work all the time but it does cut down on a lot of frustration.

His favorite movie at the moment is Disney's Cars. He can recite whole sections of it and sometimes starts before the scene actually is on screen. He even knows the songs and will sing parts before they start as well. It's very cute. The nice thing for us is that this is a good movie and we can still enjoy it even after a million times watching it. He also continues to like the Baby Einsteins videos, especially the ones where he can do the sign language with the kids on the screen. And the Einstein puppets always make him laugh, sometimes hysterically.

Brandon is becoming quite the singer too. He can sign almost all of the They Might Be Giants "Violin" song - I need to get that whole thing on video for you all to see. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is also a favorite. He sang that for Grandma Janet on the phone the other day. Too cute! We've put more kids CDs in the car and Brandon loves to listen to them. For you parents out there - The Laurie Berkner Band is a huge favorite of ours. She's got some really fun songs that we find ourselves humming or singing around the house (or at work!).

Our boy is also getting so much taller. He can see in to the kitchen drawers now when he pulls them out! And is pants are approaching the "almost too short" length. A month ago they were too long. I swear you blink and they grow up. He's 2! Brandon is 2! When did that happen?
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007





Brandon was a very good boy this past year and Santa brought him a lot of great presents to play with for another year.
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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Loving Baby Alex

Many of you have asked how Brandon is adjusting to having a new baby brother. Well we couldn't have asked for a better transition. Brandon hasn't missed a beat, nor has he beaten his baby brother. In fact, he absolutely loves him. Brandon is always on top of Alex crying, often becoming Captain Obvious by announcing "Baby Brother Cry!" But he does follow that up with "Baby Brother Happy!" when Alex settles down. One morning I was taking a shower while Alex slept in the swing and Brandon watched Mickey Mouse. Well Alex started to cry to I peeked out of the shower as I was about to get out and discovered Brandon standing in front of the swing, holding Alex's pacifier, trying in vain to insert it in Alex's mouth while the swing was moving, resulting in a drooping arm, hand wagging vision while he recited "Baby Brother Ah-kay!" over and over again to try to comfort him. It was so sweet and comical at the same time. We have had our moments that Brandon doesn't understand that I have to sit and nurse Alex and I can't "run, run, run" or play at that particular moment. And in some of those moments reading books just doesn't cut it. But overall Brandon is a fantastic, wonderful big brother and absolutely adorable, giving hugs and kisses (gently)to Alex every day.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November Photos


Thursday, November 8, 2007

What is Brandon up to now?

Whoa - time for an update on Brandon.

Back in the beginning of October Brandon and I went to play at Christian's house. It was a good time. Christian has this bounce and spin Zebra Playskool toy that Branon delighted straddling and bouncing on. Then he and his buddy played with some Thomas Train toys and other things. After a while I hear Christian's Mommy, Yanin, say "What's that?" And I follow the sound of her voice and see her bending over looking at something on her carpet. Then she asked "Is that a grape?" This is about the time my stomach dropped. You see - Brandon ate raisins for dinner the night before. And if any of you don't know this... undigested raisins become grapes through re-hydration in the tummy. And eventually get pooped out again. You'd only know this if your toddler has ever not fully digested raisins before, of course. Well I knew this. As it turns out, all that bouncing and spinning on the Zebra caused Brandon to have a diaper blow out at his friends house. Something I didn't notice because he was wearing pants. Pants that hid the grape's trail down his leg and on to my friend's carpeted floor. Needless to say I was mortified. Laughingly mortified, but still mortified. Luckily we've still have play dates with Yanin and Christian since so all was not lost on the grape.

Brandon is truly Joby's and my child. He is not a morning, get up and out of bed quickly little boy. In fact, many mornings I will hear him and go in to get him, only to have him wallow around the crib basically telling me to get lost. I'll ask him if he wants to get up and he will cry "Mo Mommy!" Sometimes it takes 15-20 minutes to get him to a place where I can grab him. If we're not in a rush, it doesn't matter to me, but some mornings we have to get going for work!

As mentioned before in a previous post Brandon is crazy about elevators (loo loo loos). He loves them. Well recently he started saying "Here ee are!" whenever we arrive at the destined floor. The bell will ding, the doors will open and voila! "Here ee are!" with hand clapping and hammy smiles. Very amusing. Now the expression is for everywhere we go. The store (yesterday it was Bome Bepot (Home Depot)), our house, my parents house, whatever. If we're going someplace - he announces when we arrive. Oh, on a different note - Brandon is also crazy about Best Buy. Why? I have NO idea. We can't even drive past the store now without him crying to go to "Buy!" It's kind of ridiculous, especially because our Best Buy is right next to the mall, across the street from Target, Home Depot, Bed Bath and Beyond, Michaels and other great stores. So we drive by it all the time. I think Daddy might have had a hand in making this one of Brandon's favorite places to go and run around.

Brandon has discovered the fun of forts. We had made them in the past with blankets over at able but he never really got in to it. Well one rainy morning my mother made him a fort at her house with her kitchen table and a blanket. That was it. The next day we went back and Brandon left the kitchen, went back to her bedroom and dragged the blanket out to the kitchen asking for a "cort." That night I made one at home and now it's a weekly occurrence. Rumor has it Santa is bringing him a pop-up Thomas the Train fort to play in.

We have finally had our first really bad skinned knee. I'm not sure who felt worse when it happened. Brandon, me or my mom. Needless to say it was bad and scabbed over pretty bad. The day it happened Brandon would look over at me every 15-20 minutes and start crying/whining, saying "Owie!" and pointing to his knee. Obviously it really hurt him. The cute thing though is that we used that week as an opportunity to teach him the difference between "Owie," something actually still hurting, and "boo boo," something that has stopped hurting but still visible, like the scab. And we also taught him to say "all better!" when we'd blow on the "Owie." Very cute. To piggy back on this train of thought - last week Brandon skinned his elbow. Not bad, just a slight abrasion. And to distract him from crying I said "here's a drink! A drink will make it better." I handed it to him (Daddy was holding him at the time) and he proceeded to take his sippy cup and dab it on his "owie." I guess water has magical healing properties. We both laughed to see him trying to dab out the cold water on his elbow.

"Oh Mo Mo!" is one of Brandon's favorite expressions right now. Basically is means "Oh no!" Sometime he says it because he's knocked over blocks or Thomas and those Troublesome Trucks. In those cases he will say "Oh Mo Mo! Cash!" (Crash). Other times he will say it when he can't find a toy he is looking for. And sometimes he just says it because he knows one of us will come looking to see what's the matter and he just wants us to play with him.

Brandon now says "Okay" and "yes" but they come out "ah-kay" and "hes." When you ask him if he wants to do something that you know, of course, he'll want to do, then you usually get a string of "ah-kay" and "hes" put together in some order complete with hammy grins and hand clapping.

"Froop!" is Brandon's word for fruit.

And lastly - Brandon has discovered the power of dragging his parents around the house by the pant leg to whatever toy he wants to play with or room he wants to go in. He has decided he likes us with him and knows he can drag us there. Well we got a little tired, or should I say sore, from him grabbing our pants or shirts and including a fist full of skin in the process. So Joby taught him to take our hand instead and Brandon knows we won't follow unless he takes our hand. So that has developed in to this cute game of where on earth is your hand. If we are sitting at the table eating, he reaches over everything to get our hands. If we are on the computer he tugs our arms away from the keyboard to take our hand. And if he can't reach then he'll stand there saying "Hand? Hand" Hand?" until we comply with his request and get dragged off to play with something that we probably had just abandoned minutes ago. At our house the favorite place to go is in to the front living room because all the baby gear (swing, exersaucer, etc) is in there and he likes to examen them, push the swing and generally get excited that there are "gunkies!" (monkeys) on the side of the bouncer.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Brandon dressed up as Mickey Mouse this year for Halloween! He was so cute!! He kept his costume, hat, gloves and booties on the entire time, much to our surprise. We also discovered that he liked the candles the were inside all the "poompkins" around the neighborhood. Considering Daddy is a bit of a pyro... well it looks like we have another one in the making. Scares me to death.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pumpkin Patch


Sunday, September 30, 2007

September Photos


Monday, September 24, 2007

The Circus

Yesterday we took Brandon to the circus here in Jacksonville. The Morocco Shriners hosted the event at UNF. At first Brandon wasn't so sure what to think of everything. It was noisy, crowded, chaotic and over-stimulating. But once the lights went down and the circus actually started, Brandon had a blast. He was a little dancing, rocking boy to the techno music. The animals made him laugh, especially the jumping dogs... who arrived on the set in a little train. (Brandon LOVES trains.) We all loved the lady who was swinging on a rope trapeze thing and flipping around without a net under her (insane). Overall it was a really good circus (we had worried it would be cheesy) and we were so happy we took B to see it. It was a lot of fun and I'd do it again if they come back to town! Now that I know that Brandon enjoys stuff like this I'll look in to Sesame Street Live and other kid shows coming to town.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Loo Loo Loo

Loo Loo Loo = Elevator

Brandon loves elevators. Take him to the mall and he'll insistently tell you where all the elevators are located in every store they are in. And if you walk past one without going on it, well, you'll know about it. We're not sure where or how it started. He likes to ride them at the mall. He also has the Fisher Price Little People Car Shop which has a car elevator on it. And Brandon really loves playing with it. Then he found this little nook in our kitchen that he can "hide" in and he thinks it's his elevator. He'll wave at me and say "Hi Mommy! Bye Mommy! Loo loo loo Down?" And then he'll turn around, press an imaginary button on the wall behind him, then spin back around and say "HI!" Brandon will even tell you on the telephone if he's ridden or played with a loo loo loo that day. Now, when we go to stores without elevators he'll see big utility doors and think they are elevators. And insist upon riding them...

Isn't it kind of funny what kids pick up on and stick to?


Friday, September 7, 2007

Double Ear Infections

Poor little Brandon. He hasn't been feeling well this week with a bad cold. Today he was really not himself so I decided to take him to the doctor since I didn't want to worry over the weekend. Good hunch. Turns out Brandon's cold moved to his ears and he's got the beginning stages of an ear infection in each ear (the right ear is worse than the left though). If I didn't take him in today he probably would have had two full blown infections by Monday morning. I guess Mommy-intuition is good for something.


Thursday, September 6, 2007


We have only ever allowed Brandon to have a pacifier when he goes to bed. Joby and I call them "paci," not "binkey" or anything. Well, recently Brandon gave them his own name. Booby.

What a boy.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Step Stools

So this weekend we finally bought Brandon a step stool for the bathroom so he could wash his hands and brush his teeth without us hoisting him up. Well he loves it. He kept saying "Sink! Sink!" to us all weekend and we'd take him in to rinse his hands in the water and then dry them on the towel. He got a big kick out of this. Well my parents came over for dinner on Sunday evening and after dinner Brandon started with the "sink, sink!" so my Dad took him in to wash his hands and allow Brandon to show off his new "toy." My Dad unlocked the bathroom door (we keep our bathroom doors locked with child locks so Brandon can't get in them by himself) and turned on the light for Brandon and then exclaimed "What a stool!" Joby, my Mom and I just about fell out of our chairs in the kitchen laughing. My Dad was being such a good Grandpa by being excited for Brandon over his new "toy," but walking in to a bathroom and exclaiming "what a stool!" is very, very funny to people just listening. The funniest part for me was that some day Joby and I might be saying that to Brandon but we won't be talking about the step stool then though!


Friday, August 31, 2007

Updated Photos

I put new photos up for July and August, just in time for it to be September. :) You can link to all the albums from the link on the right, but here are the photos from August.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"Do," "Mo," "Ta," Dirty Chicken, "Sowwy" and Shadows

Well Brandon has been a little sponge this summer, learning new words every day and coming in to a sweetly assertive independence.

"Do" and "Mo"
Do and Mo are Brandon's words for Yes and No. A couple months ago he started saying "Do" as an affirmative response to "Do you want to do (something)?" If he did, then "DO!" A few weeks ago he started saying "Mo" for No. Actually, "Mo" started one night when Joby was drawing shapes and cartoons for Brandon on the Magna Doodle pad (every kid who likes to draw must have one... saves crayon markings on walls, plus paper). Brandon very much likes when Joby draws the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ("Shezza" - how he came up with this to describe "clubhouse," we'll never know). So Joby would draw different shapes and ask Brandon "Is this the clubhouse." To which Brandon started replying "Mooooe!" in this cute little singsong voice while shaking his head and tucking his chin. And whenever Joby'd finally draw the clubhouse we'd be met with delighted cries of "there it is!" and clapping. In the past few weeks we've progressed to a more succinct "Mo" in response to our questions, complete with a blank look that states "how can you ask me that?" It's actually very funny and cute and to date, we haven't had the typical toddler tantrum associated with learning that he sometimes has choices and can say "NO" to things. My personal favorite is when I ask him a series of questions that have to have a "Do" response to at least one of them and he just says "Mo" for everything. Like "Do you want to go home to our house?" "Mo." "Do you want to stay here at Grandma's house instead?" "Mo." And tonight the classic "Do you want to get out of the bath?" "Mo." Brandon would take a bath every hour of every day if he were allowed to.

A couple weeks ago we took a day trip to Gainesville and I asked Joby to borrow a couple videos from the library for Brandon to watch in the car. He brought home Blue's Clues (Brandon's favorite cartoon) and Thomas the Train. Well, Thomas is now a favorite too. Brandon went bananas over this video. Before that he never paid attention to the two Thomas books we have nor really noticed that the little child sofa we have had Thomas on it. Well now they are all he can look at. They are the first books he brings to me at story time and every morning he finds his sofa and delightedly yells "Hi Ta!" And since he's getting better at putting words together to form more coherent thoughts - tonight he was watching a 10 minute episode of Thomas with Joby and when it was over he waved at the screen and said "Bye Bye Ta!" and without missing a beat looked at Joby, signed "more" and said "More Ta!?" To which we said no but avoided the tears by suggesting it was time for a bath. Note the last sentence of the above paragraph and understand that baths trump all activities. We're sneaky parents.

"Dirty Chicken"
In order to get Brandon to actually eat meat I started giving him sliced Boar's Head deli meats, chicken or turkey, a long time ago. This week I decided that I would try giving him roast beef as an option. So we put it on his dinner plate last night and he looked at it disdainfully and promptly pointed at it and said "Dirty." He refused to eat it. (Big surprise these days with new foods.) But we could only laugh because the sliced meat we've always given him has been white and this meat was brown. And when his hands are covered with dirt he calls them "dirty." So we could only assume he meant that the chicken was dirty, and therefore not worthy of his acknowledgment. (Note - Brandon absolutely HATES to have his hands get dirty. Even the smallest speck of dust sends him running to us with his hands out asking us to wipe it off. This will need to change! Isn't it some right of passage for children to eat paste? That requires getting your hands dirty at some point.)

If you have kids then I'm sure you understand just how difficult it is to teach a child the concept of being sorry for something. Remorse is hard enough for adults to grasp sometimes! So we've been teaching him the sign for sorry as well as saying it when he does something he's not supposed to do, like bang his fork on the table (repeatedly) or throw food on the floor, etc. Well he's finally starting to say "Sowwy" to us and sign it too. We have to insist that he does it and he's starting to realize that saying it sort of implies being in trouble, another thing he can't stand, and sometimes we're met with pathetic (cute really) crying and hugging. A couple of times this week he would bang the table and say "sowwy!" and then bang the table again and say "sowwy" over and over again. And it's really hard not to laugh when he does that but we have to tell him that you can't just do something wrong and say sorry right away to make it better. How come no one ever told us that disciplining our child would be downright hysterical at times? He's so cute and makes the funniest pouty faces at us. But we know we can't laugh if we want him to learn these things. So we laugh later when we recant the stories to our friends.

Tonight Brandon was playing with Joby in our living room and dining room where the sunshine streams in through the blinds and creates a plethora of shadows on the walls and floor. Well Brandon, through Joby's help, discovered his shadow on the wall too. Well he spent a good deal of time saying "Hi Shadow!" to himself... and then moving out of the sunlight and saying "Bye Bye Shadow!" He repeated this many times. Joby got a bit of it (towards the end) on video and I'll post that to our YouTube channel soon. Quite frankly, it was amazing!

A couple other things to mention. Yesterday Brandon discovered a tree frog on the window next to our front door. And he talked to it for a long time, running to get either Joby or I to show us when he didn't think we remembered that it was still there. Tonight, before discovering his shadow, he went back looking for the frog and was disappointed when it wasn't there anymore. We told him the frog went home to see his Mommy. That must have been an acceptable reason for not clinging to our window because Brandon didn't mention him again tonight.

We're also trying to talk more about the baby with Brandon. I hope to buy a baby doll in another month to put in the swing and crib around the house to get Brandon used to having a baby. He says "Hi Baby" to my stomach now (which is huge by the way) but I'm hoping that he doesn't start calling all tummies "baby." That would be pretty funny but a bit of an embarrassment if he were to point at someone else's belly and say "hi baby" and that person wasn't pregnant... :)

Brandon likes to play the "sleep and wake up" game with us. We'll pretend to be asleep on the floor (pretend snoring, etc) and Brandon will say "night, night" to us. Then he'll decide it's time for us to wake up, usually by grabbing our shirts and pulling, sometimes including chunks of our flesh in the process. (OUCH!) So tonight we taught him to give kisses when he wanted us to wake up because it's much nicer than grabbing us. Well it worked. He thought that was hysterical and we must have played this game for about a half hour. Kind of nice to relax on the floor and have your son tell you it's ok to close your eyes for a bit, only to have him gently give you a kiss to wake you up, laughing and clapping when you open your eyes to look at him and say "hi!"

And finally - this morning as I was about to leave to take Brandon to my mom's and then go to work, Brandon decided he wanted to stomp on some of the dried leaves in our driveway. Well I knew that traffic was bad today (Joby called me from the road to tell me it was at a standstill on 9A) and I really wanted to get going. But Brandon was having so much fun stomping and listening to the crackly leaves that I had to join him for a few minutes. So we stomped all over the driveway, laughing the entire time while my neighbors all drove past and probably wondered what the heck we were doing. But I didn't care. Brandon was laughing and I figured that sometimes you just have to stop and stomp the leaves.

Parenting is hard... but so much fun!


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Email Update

Excerpt from an email I sent earlier this week:

As for our firstborn, Brandon is still amazing. He'll be 18 months old on Saturday. We think he's getting ready to grow taller. For the past five days he's done nothing but sign and say "eat" to us every other hour. We're not sure where he's putting it all either! He absolutely loves to read books, especially ones with Lowly the Worm (he goes around saying "lowly, low-la, low-le, lowly?!" when he wants to read this book), Elmo, Big Bird and anything with animals in it. We find his recall ability quite amazing. We show him a picture in book just a couple times and he can find it for us later if we ask. And someone can tell him something a couple times and he figures out how to say it or sign it. It's been really, really fun watching him learn and apply what he knows. Thank goodness for sign language too. It's been so helpful to know when things hurt or if he's hungry or thirsty or something like that. Please and thank you are also perks at this young age too!

B also loves to sing. Joby got this one children's album by They Might Be Giants called "No!" and has been singing this song about a violin to him. Well in one of Brandon's book there is a picture of a violin and whenever he finds that picture now he'll point to it and look at us and sing "la, la, la" and wait for us to start the song. Another part of that same song talks about a speck of dust and last night and this morning Brandon was trolling around the house singing "da, da, da, ooooooohhhhhh!" (da = dust) just like the song, in tune too. He really makes us laugh.

I think one of my favorite things he does right now is when he's really happy he sort of runs in place and says "Happy!" We obviously call it his happy dance. He's also still really big in to dancing to that farm music magnet set on the fridge. For those of you who've never seen it, there's a clip on my channel on YouTube ( with him dancing to it when he was about 11 months old. I need to post a follow-up to that with what his dance has progressed in to. He basically squats really, really low and bounces in place now. Or he spins in circles and shakes his head. We never taught him any of this either. It's pure Brandon! And very funny.

I posted some recent photos of him last night to my web album. Here's the link: . There will be more to come in the next few weeks.


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Finally Sick

We knew the day would finally come when Brandon got sick. And this was the week. Tuesday morning my mom called me at work and said she believed Brandon had a fever and was not well. So I took him to the doctor's and it turned out his temp was 102.4. They said he was the happiest child with a 102.4 temperature that they'd ever seen. He was smiling and playing so nicely while we were there. Anyways - they thought it was just a cold but when he woke up on Thursday with a 103.4 temperature they believed it was a type of roto virus that had been going around. Poor Brandon didn't know what he wanted. He was so hot and sweaty and uncomfortable. One minute he'd be playing or watching tv quietly and the next minute he'd just bust out crying. It was so cute and pathetic all at the same time, and of course it broke my heart. There were times when all he could stand to do was sit on our laps and bury his head in to our shoulders. Luckily today Brandon didn't have a fever when he woke up and we're left only the congestion. He's back on the mend.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day we went to the Jacksonville Zoo with Joby's parents and we decided to let Brandon try to Merry-Go-Round towards the end of the day. Joby went on with him since an adult had to stand next to him. Brandon was fine, grinning from ear to ear while he was sitting on the horse... until the ride started moving. Once it began moving up and down and circling round and round, well Brandon couldn't sign the word "UP!" fast enough. He wanted OFF that ride. It was both really funny and heart-breaking for me!


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sprinkler Time!


Today when I went to pick up Brandon at my mom's house they were, as usual, playing outside waiting for me. Before we left Mom decided to water a section of sod they just put down. Brandon was facinated with the sprinkler. And before long he was soaking wet, loving every minute of the fun!


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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mr. Manners & other updates

So now that Brandon is learning to sign words to us, he's been very cute about saying please and thank you. He signs "please" and says "tank ou" all the time now. He tells us when he is thirsty (signing "drink") and hungry (signing "eat") and can also ask for more now too. We are working on getting him to sign "all done" BEFORE he drops food on the floor, but that's a work in progress. This morning as we were getting ready to leave for work we had to stop and sit for a moment because he signed "book please" to me when we passed a new pop-up book from Aunt Sharon and Uncle Chris. How can I say no to that? We read the book and then left. Actually, that's a funny thing too - Brandon has gotten so good at saying "please" that he thinks he'll get what he wants just because he asks politely. So it's really hard to tell him "Thank you for asking nicely Brandon but you still can't have the (fill-in-the-blank: book, paper, pacifier, phone, remote, stuff you're not supposed to have)." The other day he got SO mad at me for telling him this that he immediately sat down on the floor and pouted - big lip and all. It was all I could do not to laugh.

We're very happy he's picking up the sign language so well. He rarely whines at us because he can communicate most of his necessary needs to us. I'm sure the whining will pick back up some day soon but for now we're doing ok!

A few other cute things:

Last week we went to the zoo and Brandon really enjoyed it. He finally was making connections with the animals. He LOVED the elephants and would sign the word for us while making the elephant sound (something he hasn't done independently since so I'm not recording it as officially learning/signing the word). He also loved the cat animals like the leopards, lions, panthers and jaguars. The funniest part of the day was when Brandon was running around near some giant fish tanks. He wanted to go back to the piranha (or some other fish equally as big and ugly) tank to look at them. So he ran up to it (also running away from Joby at the time), put his hands on the glass and then, suddenly a huge fish swam directly in front of the glass, maybe an inch from his face and just as quickly as he ran away from Joby, he was running back saying "ahhh!". Yeah, the fish startled the heck out of him.

Since the zoo Joby has also taught him the noise/motion the gorilla makes. And that is really funny to watch Brandon running around beating his fists on his chest and grunting. Sometimes he goes up to Joby and beats on Joby's chest too. Which is funny because when he first started signing "please" to us he'd actually come up to us and sign it on our chests, not his. It took him a while to figure out he could sign without using our bodies as the props.

And a final note - As reported a few posts ago, Brandon can open all the doors in our house that have french door handles now. So we had to install child locks on them. A couple weekends ago Joby spent Sat morning installing them on the doors (which involved taking the knobs off completely and putting the contraption on, then putting the knobs back on) and Brandon worked very hard to help Joby do this. But when Brandon realized that what Daddy was doing was preventing him from doing one of his most favorite activities, well, he got mad and sat down and cried. Now he spends his time looking for the doors we forget to lock on him, or opening and closing the laundry room and air handler closet doors. So yes, we need to buy locks for them now too. Especially the laundry room because Brandon also loves all things with buttons (phones, remotes, check out debit card machines, etc) and the fancy washer and dryer we own has the button controls all on the front. And yes, he's actually started the washing machine once. Luckily we can lock the controls... thanks to a genius designer who must have had kids.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hiding & Eating

Tonight we realized that it was pretty quiet for about 5 minutes and we had to go looking for Brandon. After about 10 seconds of looking in all the places he could have gone (not many, the doors of all the rooms were closed and baby gates abound) we got worried. Until we heard some rustling... in the cabinets. Yes, Brandon was hiding from us. He's gone all terrain on us now too - in to and on to everything. We really have to be on our toes.

Brandon is also becoming a bit fussy about eating. Our normally fantastic, eat anything eater is now pushing forks away and refusing his once favorite foods. So we're trying to get creative and outsmart the 14 month old. Tonight I put his cheese and chicken on some toast and made his first sandwich. He loved it. So go figure. Who would have thought a sandwich would be creative enough for him not to refuse his cheese and chicken. What will I have to think of next? :)


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

So tall...

For the past month Joby and I have been pondering the day when Brandon would be tall enough to grasp the french door handles on the doors in our house and therefore expand his area of influence... or destruction, take your pick. Today was that day. It's here. We have to activate plan B... buying special knob covers that will block him from opening the doors. He has known how to work the door handles for months and would often go up and point at them and fuss until we either opened the door or distracted him. In recent weeks he has become more insistent that he gets a bath every night - toddling over to the closed bathroom door and nearly reaching it. Tonight after he disappeared around the corner, down the hall to the bathroom door, I went to investigate. And there he was, holding a tub-time Elmo book he had fetched from the tub and backing out of the bathroom, trying to close the door... like he had never been in there; Almost like he wanted to keep it a secret that he could now open his most favorite closed door. We're in so much trouble...


Monday, March 5, 2007


When I got to my parents' house after work today I found my mom playing with Brandon in the front yard, per usual. But today she introduced him to BUBBLES! His hands were covered in dirt and soapy bubbles and he was just grinning at me when I pulled in the driveway. He was very pleased with himself. He would dunk the wand in the bubble mixture and brandish it to his side all the while blowing out... no where near the wand. And if we tried to bring the wand close to his mouth to blow through the hole then one of two things happened: He either pitched a fit because he wanted to do it himself... or he tried to eat the wand. :)


Friday, March 2, 2007

Blowing Kisses

Today Brandon finally put it all together and will blow kisses "bye bye" when people leave and blow him a kiss first. It was hard for Joby to leave for work this morning because Brandon was just so darn cute blowing kisses back to him.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Brandon Breaks the Bathtub

Today Brandon had his biggest fall to date... and my biggest scare to date. He's fine. I don't think I'll ever forget this though. We got home this afternoon and I was putting away the things I had purchased from Target in our bathroom. Brandon was in there with me and made up a game of taking all the dirty laundry out of the laundry basket and putting it in our garden bath tub instead. So cute! But at one point he tripped on a t-shirt he was carrying and he fell forward. As he fell he banged his forehead so hard against the outside of the tub, and he broke it. The impact of his forehead created a clean plus-sign crack from the center of impact. I was standing right next to him when it happened, unable to get there fast enough and I swear I thought it was his head that cracked, not the tub. He cried, of course, for about 30 seconds. As soon as we moved out to the family room and he saw the television on, well he was distracted again. I got an ice pack out of the freezer and put it on his forehead. We sat in the chair and rocked while I calmed down. And the cutest thing was when I tried to remove the ice after a minute, he grabbed it and put it back on his forehead. I think the novelty of the ice pack was fun for him. He carried it around with him, occasionally putting it on his forehead, until his nap. After his nap he woke up happy, smiley and ready to run around.

So while I'm sure that there will be other battles in our future with the bathtub and other inanimate objects that provide obstacles in his path, I am happy to report that Round 1 of the Major Falls and Scares competition goes to Brandon. Thankfully.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Brandon and his sweetheart

Today my mom and I went shopping at Kohls and later stopped for a cup of coffee at Paneras. While we were there another family sat at a table next to ours. They had a little girl with gorgeous blue eyes and blond hair. Her name was Kylee and she was 18 months old. Needless to say Brandon was smitten with this blond beauty. So much so that when she ventured over to say hello he offered her his goldfish crackers. And he put them right in to her mouth, one right after another until her mouth was full. Then she smiled at him and he smiled at her. It was love.

I wish I had thought to get my phone out and snap a photo of this sweet little exchange.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

This morning Brandon greeted me wtih the sweetest smile and he held STILL while I changed his diaper and dressed him. So yeah, my day started great. Some mornings we struggle! But he is such a sweetie and makes every day special. There's no way I can resist that face.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Brandon's facination with clocks

One of Brandon's favorite things is a clock. He goes nuts whenever he sees clocks and wrist watches now. He starts pointing and saying "tick tock tick tock" over and over again while he smiles and laughs. He has always been intrigued by this one sort of fancy clock we have in our dining room. When he was very little and fussy we could walk by that clock and let him look at it and it'd calm him down. Then when his Grandpa Joe taught him how to say "tick tock" it's been downhill ever since. Seriously, he is obsessed. It's really cute though. I found this wooden toy analog clock with puzzle piece numbers and moving hands. I plan to go get it for him for Valentine's Day!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Brandon colors



So we went out to eat the other night and the hostess brought crayons for Brandon. Normally we decline them but we decided to let him try them this time. I took these photos with my phone so the clarity isn't exactly great, but you can see they were a hit. And yes, he did try to eat them. Don't all kids do that?
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Saturday, February 3, 2007

Such a faker!

Ok so here is Brandon pretending to be upset about something. He's been working on growing his molars in and sometimes gets cranky. But pull out the camera and suddenly he's feeling much better.

In other news - note the cutie outfit from Aunt Sharon and Uncle Chris. :) Thank you!

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The Life of Brandon

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