Saturday, December 30, 2006

Colleen's Blog: Brandon's First Birthday

Instead of retyping everything I had written in my blog over to Brandon's blog, I will just link you over!
Colleen's Blog: Brandon's First Birthday


Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween

Brandon spent his first Halloween dressed as monkey. We've called him our little monkey for a long time so it only seemed appropriate. Since we just moved in to our new house a week ago we decided to take Brandon trick or treating in my parents' neighborhood. We took him to their friends' houses and then enjoyed a pizza with my parents. It was fun but I can't wait for next year and all the years to come when he enjoys the costumes and the candy. (No, he didn't get any this year... we're bad parents!)

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Friday, September 8, 2006


Brandon is doing great! He's such a happy boy. He's 8 months old and I can't believe it already! He is initiating Peek-a-boo now (which is really cute!). He also decided to crawl up the staircase in my parents' home (whee). He can make it up the whole way on his own, but he sort of grunts and gurgles while he does it. He loves it.

He had his first bruise a couple weeks ago since he has a lot more confidence than ability when it comes to pulling himself up and walking along objects. One of his favorite games right now is to crawl over to an open door and swing the door back and forth. He'll partially close the door, then peek around it, open it again... repeat, repeat, repeat. He also loves to bang on those coil door stoppers behind doors. That is very entertaining.

The other day he decided he was ready for walking. (yikes!) He pulled himself up on one of the kitchen chairs and then started walking with it. He walked all the way around the family room, through the kitchen, making one big circle. I have that on video! My mom held the chair while he walked at one point so he wouldn't face-plant on the floor because the chair was getting away from him. It was really so cute. He was very proud of himself.

Despite the fact that he is trying to cut his top four teeth at the same time, he has been sleeping very, very well. We put him down anytime betwee 8-9pm and he'll usually sleep until 7am. Of course, now that I've written this in to internet history, it won't happen ever again. I've gotten used to getting decent sleep again. :) The beginning of this year is starting to be a foggy memory. I must be cursing myself by talking about it.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Brandon is crawling & pulling himself to standing on tables, chairs... anything really.
He LOVES Baby Einstein videos and playing Peekaboo with us too.

He's got two teeth (on the bottom) and is working really hard (i.e. chewing on everything, drooling, etc.) on a third.

Last week he weighed 20.5 lbs on the home scale. :)


Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Happy Summer!

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Brandon is Baptized

Brandon was baptized in the same church that we were married in on a beautiful sunny Sunday, the 11th of June. His God-parents are my sister Sharon and her husband Chris. Joby's parents came up from Micanopy to celebrate and it was a really nice afternoon to share. 


Wednesday, June 7, 2006


We put up more photos of Brandon today!! He's about 18lbs now and rolling over both ways.

He started solid foods about three weeks ago and so far is doing great. He's amazing and growing so darn fast!


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Website Update

I just posted some photos of Brandon on the website… He’s growing really fast and we think he gets cuter every day.

He’s rolling over now, talking a lot and smiling all the time. He’s also starting to grab things and pull them towards him too. He’s a great baby!

We hope everyone is doing well! We look forward to hearing from you.



According to our home scale, Brandon is a little over 14lbs now!


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Website Update


I posted more photos of Brandon on our website today. :-) Enjoy! We are certainly enjoying every moment of having him!

We’re doing well overall. Yes, we are sleeping… not a lot, but we are sleeping. Next week Brandon gets his two month immunization shots and I won’t be house-bound anymore! YAY!!!! I can run errands and maybe we can go out to eat sometimes. I’m very excited about that!

Anyways – Enjoy the photos & have a great day! :-)


Another thing...

Brandon is growing like a weed. According to our home scale he weighs about 12.5 lbs!
He's smiling more, and talks and coos at us a lot too.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day from Brandon!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Website & Pictures

Hey Everyone,

Well Brandon is going to be four weeks old this Friday… ? How did that happen so fast? :-)

We’re sleeping occasionally – it’s bad… but not that bad. :-) He’s worth it.

Anyways – before I got pregnant Joby and I decided to register a domain name so we could have a place to put family photos, etc. So I have spent the past week (in my copious amounts of spare time when I’m not feeding Brandon) working on the site, breaking it and then getting it working again. :-) I know some of you are website gurus and, well, I’m NOT. So this page is simple and is made of frames (sorry gurus, it’s easy for me to do it this way!). There are a bunch of photos under Brandon’s page. So check them out. There were several taken this afternoon so they are definitely current.

I hope everyone is doing well!



p.s. - I’ve been using this photo organization software called Picasa (by Google). It’s awesome (and free!) and makes creating web pages from pictures REALLY, REALLY easy. I thought I’d give it a plug because it’s been easy to use and a great way to organize digital photos on your hard drive.


Friday, January 20, 2006


At Brandon's 3wk check up, he weighed 9lb 2oz!


Friday, January 13, 2006

2 Weeks old and cute as a button

Just wanted to send you a picture of Brandon that I took today. He's two weeks old already! :)

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Birth Announcement

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Tuesday, January 3, 2006

A Few More Photos





Ok here's a few photos of Brandon after we got him home from the hospital a couple days ago. :)

Hope you all are having a great day!



The Life of Brandon

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